Coconut Water: A Pregnancy Must-Have

Eddie and I have often received generous compliments from family, friends and neighbours on Noah’s beautiful complexion, which we instantly attribute to the regular doses of coconut water that I had in the second half of my pregnancy. Upon hearing this, a friend asked if there are any concerns about coconut water for pregnant women since it’s a ‘cooling’ drink. Well, when I was in Singapore, I had already heard about the many benefits of drinking coconut water during pregnancy. There are beliefs that coconut water will help you have a smooth natural delivery and make the baby come out ‘clean’. Singaporean Chinese mums-to-be tend to be more cautious about the ‘cooling’ effects of this natural drink and many will have it only in their last trimester (when we will feel the hottest), for about 1-3 times a week.

In Thailand, coconut water is a MUST-HAVE for pregnant women. Almost every Thai friend and colleague of Eddie had advised and constantly reminded him that his expectant wife should drink lots of coconut water. Eddie also allayed my concerns by reasoning that the traditional practice and collective wisdom of over 70 million people in Thailand couldn’t go anywhere wrong.

With that, I enjoyed a good supply of yummy refreshing coconut water in the world’s 6th largest producer of coconuts and Eddie has become an expert at ‘whacking’ open the coconuts (his kind ex-colleague used to help us remove the green skin and shave the outer husk at the top for ease of opening when they had unprocessed coconuts in their office). I’m sure my dear hubby didn’t mind the extra work since it is also one of his favourite drinks.

Beat the heat with this delicious drink.

I can’t attest that the part on smooth natural delivery and ‘clean’ baby is true as I had a C-section in the end. But I’m grateful that Noah didn’t have of the common newborn skin problems such as cradle cap, eczema and acne. Guess it’s all thanks to the wonderful coconut water.

My beautiful boy, at 6 months old.

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